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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Risks of Youth Using Social Media ( Privacy Issues) Free Essays
Clinical Report: The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe, Kathleen Clarke Pediatrics Volume 127, Number 4, April 2011 pp. 800-804 RISKS OF YOUTH USING SOCIAL MEDIA Engaging in different types of internet based life is a standard action that examination has appeared to profit youngsters and teenagers by improving correspondence, social association, and even specialized abilities. Online life locales, for example, Facebook and MySpace offer different every day open doors for interfacing with companions, cohorts, and individuals with shared interests. We will compose a custom paper test on Dangers of Youth Using Social Media ( Privacy Issues) or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now During the most recent 5 years, the quantity of preadolescents and youths utilizing such destinations has expanded significantly. Since a huge piece of this generation’s social and enthusiastic improvement is happening while on the Internet and on PDAs, youngsters and youths are at some hazard as they explore and try different things with online networking, due to their constrained limit with respect to self-guideline and powerlessness to peer pressure. Ongoing exploration demonstrates that there are visit online articulations of disconnected practices, for example, tormenting, and sexual experimentation, that have presented issues, for example, digital harassing, security issues, and sexting. Digital tormenting Cyber-harassing is purposely utilizing computerized media to convey bogus, humiliating, or threatening data about someone else. It is the most widely recognized online hazard for all teenagers and is a distributed hazard. In spite of the fact that â€Å"online harassment†is frequently utilized conversely with the term â€Å"cyber-bullying,†it is really an alternate element. Current information propose that online provocation isn't as regular as disconnected badgering (Lenhart, 2007), and cooperation in person to person communication destinations doesn't put most kids in danger of online provocation (Ybarra Mitchell, 2008). Then again, digital harassing is very normal, can happen to any youngster on the web, and can cause significant psychosocial results including misery, tension, serious segregation, and, grievously, self destruction (Hinduja Patchin, 2010). Sexting can be characterized as â€Å"sending, accepting, or sending explicitly unequivocal messages, photos, or pictures through phone, PC, or other advanced devices†(Berkshire District Attorney, 2010). A significant number of these pictures become dispersed quickly by means of mobile phones or the Internet. This wonder occurs among the teenager populace; an ongoing study uncovered that 20% of adolescents have sent or posted bare or seminude photos or recordings of themselves (National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 2010). A few adolescents who have occupied with sexting have been undermined or accused of crime kid sex entertainment charges, albeit a few states have begun describing such practices as adolescent law misdeeds (Gifford, 2010; Walker, 2010). Extra outcomes incorporate school suspension for culprits and enthusiastic misery with going with emotional well-being conditions for casualties. By and large, notwithstanding, the sexting episode isn't shared past a little friend gathering or a couple and isn't seen as upsetting by any stretch of the imagination (Lenhart, 2009). Facebook Depression Researchers have proposed another wonder called â€Å"Facebook depression,†characterized as misery that creates when preteens and youngsters invest a lot of energy in online life destinations, for example, Facebook, and afterward start to show great side effects of gloom (Davilla et al. 2009; Sturm, 2010). Acknowledgment by and contact with peers is a significant component of pre-adult life. The force of the online world is believed to be a factor that may trigger discouragement in certain young people. As with disconnected discouragement, preadolescents and teenagers who experience the ill effects of Facebook wretchedness are in danger for social separation and now and again go to dangerous Internet destinations and online journals for â€Å"help†that may advance substance misuse, hazardous sexual practices, or forceful or pointless practices. Instructions to refer to Risks of Youth Using Social Media ( Privacy Issues), Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Summer Before Senior Year
5-Step SAT/ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Summer Before Senior Year SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Your senior year is coming up, and you’re prepared to destroy those government sanctioned tests unequivocally. It’s time to make sense of the best examination plan for you that despite everything allows for summer employments, despicable degrees of frozen yogurt utilization, and gaining immense tan lines. Follow these five stages to take advantage of your late spring concentrating before your SAT or ACT test date! Stage 1: Determine Your Goal The initial phase in making an examination plan is realizing the amount you have to improve.You can ascertain your objective scores for both the SAT and ACT dependent on your school confirmation objectives. Google your school of decision and â€Å"SAT scores†or â€Å"ACT scores†to discover the score scope of the center 50 percent of conceded candidates - as such, a 25th percentile score and a 75th percentile score. Focus on the 75th percentile score (a superior score than 75 percent of conceded candidates) to give yourself the most obvious opportunity with regards to being conceded. At that point, take a training test to see where you stand score-wise, or,if you’ve effectively taken the SAT or ACT at any rate once (ideally you have!), you can utilize that score to decide the amount you have to improve.Here are a few connects to free practice tests for the SAT and ACT on the off chance that you feel you’ve improved fundamentally since the last time you stepped through the exams and need to get another benchmark score. Stage 2: Figure Out How Many Hours You Need to Study Since you know your standard and target scores, you can utilize the distinction between them to assess the quantity of hours you’ll need to concentrate to accomplish your objectives when of your SAT/ACT test date. Here’s an expected breakdown of point improvement per number of study hours for the SAT: 0-30 SAT Composite Point Improvement: 10 hours30-70 Point Improvement: 20 hours70-130 Point Improvement: 40 hours130-200 Point Improvement: 80 hours200-330 Point Improvement: 150 hours+ What's more, here’s the equivalent infofor the ACT: 0-1 ACT Composite Point Improvement: 10 hours1-2 ACT Point Improvement: 20 hours2-4 ACT Point Improvement: 40 hours4-6 ACT Point Improvement: 80 hours6-9 ACT Point Improvement: 150 hours+ Keep in mind, these are unpleasant evaluations, which implies they’re not really going to apply to everybody. That’s why the following stage is tied in with changing thenumber of summer-examining hours to meet your particular needs. Stage 3: Factor in Your Study Habits and Learning Style You presently have an unpleasant thought of how long you’ll need to place in, yet you may need to read for pretty much time dependent on how you process data and how centered you are. Here are a few factors that may lead you to include or take away investigation hours from your arrangement. You’ll Need to Study for More Time If ... You get diverted effectively - If you experience difficulty centering, you likely aren't getting as much out of your examination time. Ensure you concentrate in a peaceful spot with your telephone killed. On the off chance that you discover you can't concentrate on reading for quite a long time at once, stun your time during each time instead of concentrating in enormous lumps. You battle with using up all available time on the test - The more agreeable you are with the test questions and their structure, the less focused on you'll be about time. You're less inclined to confuse yourself on the off chance that you've sufficiently concentrated to feel good with the test material. You require a significant stretch of time to gain from your errors - On state administered tests it tends to be hard to aggregate information about your missteps and apply it to future situations. On the off chance that you have specific trouble with distinguishing and understanding your missteps, you may require more examination time. You've just concentrated a ton absent a lot of score improvement - For this situation, it may be an ideal opportunity to change study strategies and focus on more hours. Reconsider how you've been contemplating. In case you're simply taking a lot of training tests and not so much exploring your off base answers, you most likely won't see quite a bit of an improvement in your scores. You’ll Need to Study for Less Time If ... You are a very engaged studier-If you truly get in the zone when you study, you won't have to put aside as much time. You don’t experience issues completing the segments with time to save Since you're agreeable enough with the inquiries to overcome them all, you've just vanquished one of the most problematic parts of the test. You gain from your errors immediately - If everything necessary for you to become familiar with the correct method to respond to an inquiry is to answer it wrong once, you likely don't require as much investigation time as the normal individual. You are new to the test-This one’s improbable if you’re coming up on senior year, however regardless of whether you just haven’t concentrated a great deal so far, it will be simpler for you to make upgrades rapidly. Recollect that exacting assimilation is certifiably not a feasible contemplating method. Stage 4: Spread Out Your Estimated Hours Based on Summer Plans and Summer and Fall Test Dates Presently for the genuine arrangement - you know around how long you have to contemplate, yet in what capacity will you fit them into your timetable? In the event that you’re wanting to take the SAT or ACT on the main test dates in the fall, you have until October 5, 2019, for the SAT and September 8, 2019, for the ACT. On the off chance that you need to step through an examination toward the finish of the mid year, the SAT is currently likewise offered toward the finish of (August 24, 2019), while the ACT is offered in the mid year on July 13, 2019(except in CA and NY). Note that the tests are held at generally a similar time each year, so these dates should even now be acceptable benchmarks if you’re perusing this later. From the beginning of the late spring you’re taking a gander at aboutthree long periods of study time, with some additional time once the school year fires up again.It's a smart thought to spread out your hours out however much as could be expected step by step so you don't get overpowered. Here are a few instances of plans for various point enhancements: I Want to Improve by 30-70 Points on the SAT or 1-2 Points on the ACT You have an expected examination time of 20 hours, which is effectively reasonable through the span of three months.Choose one to two hours every week that you will save for studying.By the finish of the mid year, you will amass in any event 20 hours of study time. On the off chance that you think you have to read for over 20 hours, two hours every week for the mid year will give you around 30 hours in addition to whatever review time you can fit in throughout the fall before your last took shots at the test. I Want to Improve by 130-200 Points on the SAT or 4-6 Points on the ACT For this degree of progress, the assessed examination time is 80 hours, so you’ll must be somewhat increasingly restrained. Take a stab at putting aside an evening once every week that you will give to studying.Five hours seven days for the entire summer will get you near 80 hours.After that, on the off chance that you believe you need more arrangement, you can do somewhat more concentrating throughout the fall before the test. I Want to Improve by 200-330 Points on the SAT or 6-9 Points on the ACT You’re must invest in a lot of energy to see the enhancements you’re searching for regardless of how great your reading propensities are.Studying for 150 hours or more in the mid year is a difficult task, however it’s certainly feasible. For this situation, you ought to schedule10 hours seven days for studying.It may seem like a great deal, yet consider it: it’s what might be compared to under two days of school and you have the alternative of being outside or sitting in a comfortable seat in a bistro as you do it. Whatever Your Goals, It’s Not Too Late to Get Your Scores up to Speed! In the event that you think you'll require more investigation time, you can likewise step through the examinations later in the fall.The SAT offers November and December test dates, and the ACT offers October and December test dates.If you're thinking about these dates, check with the affirmations workplaces of the schools where you plan on applying to perceive how late they acknowledge scores. I suggest pursuing the most readily accessible fall test dates to see where you remain after the entirety of your late spring contemplating. On the off chance that you don’t do just as you trusted, you can then quickly pursue the following date. I get it now! Much appreciated, free hand! Stage 5: Execute Your Study Plan, yet Keep It Flexible Alright, presently it’s time to place your arrangement in motion!You’ve shut out your investigation time, and you’re focused on following through.However, it’s critical to make sure to move with the punches if clashes emerge (and they will!). Possibly you wind up going on a family excursion, outdoors with your companions, or taking on low maintenance job.Make sure you don’t let considering fall by the wayside since you skirt a day or a week.Be open to moving around your investigation plan so you can keep up your objectives while likewise exploiting the late spring in different manners. Additionally recall: in the event that you figure you ought to concentrate more or on the off chance that you don’t feel like you are getting anyplace with your present techniques, it’s OK to change your plan.It can be basic to keep up adaptability as far as study methodologies in the event that you need to see genuine improvement. Attempt to be straightforward with yourself about what you’re escaping your time and whether you have to reconsider your examination propensities and procedures. For whatever length of time that you can keep up the correct equalization of adaptability and duty, you’ll have a great time and profitable summer! What's Next? As yet attempting to choose when to take the SAT or ACT? Realize which senior year SAT/ACT test dates are best for you.Also investigate up and coming test dates for SAT subject tests in the event that you despite everything need to take those! On the off chance that you've just taken the SAT, discover how frequently you should take it in totalbefore you apply to school. At last, in case you're focusing on a truly elevated score, or simply need to know how you can make th
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How Forgiveness Can Help With Your Panic and Anxiety
How Forgiveness Can Help With Your Panic and Anxiety Panic Disorder Coping Print Learning to Forgive When You Have Anxiety By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 15, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 31, 2020 Chris Tobin / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions Forgiving those who have hurt you isn’t always the easiest thing to do. However, when you learn to forgive others, you are releasing yourself from the anger and negativity that binds you to that person. Forgiveness can help you release deep feelings of sadness and resentment. It can also help you move past negative thoughts that often contribute to anxiety and depression. You deserve to be free of the pain caused by someone else. Learn to let go and accept the past as it was and embrace your life as it is today. Why You Should Forgive For many reasons, you may feel that it is too difficult to forgive others who have deeply hurt you. You may feel that the person isn’t worthy of your forgiveness. Maybe you fear that forgiving someone will make it appear that you are excusing his or her wrongful actions. Forgiveness can be especially difficult when you never receive an apology that you rightfully deserve. It is certainly possible that the person who wronged you isn’t even sorry for what they did. In other circumstances, the person you need to forgive may have passed away, which can make closure even more difficult. Considering all of these challenges, you may be asking why should you forgive. For one thing, forgiveness sets us free. When we hold onto the anger, hurt, and resentment associated with what another person did to us, then we are still allowing them to cause damage in our lives. The person may be long gone from your life, but the anger you feel inside still remains. Years will pass by and you will still be holding onto these negative feelings. Forgiveness can be an empowering way to let go of the pain that the other person caused. It is not about excusing a person for cruel or insensitive behavior. Rather, forgiveness is about striving to live your healthiest life and moving past the upsetting actions of others. Through forgiveness, you can experience other emotional benefits, including improved relationships with those currently in your life. Consider how your deeply held anger and resentment can be affecting your relationships. You may find that when you forgive others that you are more open to trust, love, and acceptance in your current relationships. Forgiveness also relieves stress, anger, and resentmentâ€"feelings that are known to negatively affect the body and mind. Research has determined that managing stress and anger can aid in sleep, reduce anxiety, and improve overall health and wellbeing. Generally, forgiveness provides an opportunity for great personal growth and opens you up to richer and more fulfilling relationships. Ways to Practice Forgiveness If you feel ready to forgive, you may be wondering where to start. It is important to keep in mind that forgiveness is a process that can take time and effort to accomplish. I suggest starting small. For example, try to first start forgiving those that only commit minor offenses, such as someone who cuts you off in traffic. Taking such small steps can begin to open your heart to greater acts of forgiveness Listed here are a few ways to get you started towards forgiving others. Try these activities and see if they can help you on your journey towards forgiveness. You may find yourself obsessing over past events that hurt you. Going over and over these events in your mind can be adding to feelings of anxiety and depression. Use the thought-stopping technique to work toward acceptance. Change your perception about how you were hurt. Did you learn something about yourself through this experience? Sometimes our most painful experiences can teach us valuable life lessons, making us stronger and more insightful individuals through them. One of the most powerful ways to work through your emotions is through journal writing. Writing provides you a safe and uncensored place where you can explore the many aspects of your experience, track where you are in your process of forgiving, and uncover the many layers of emotions. When journal writing, try to balance out what you focus on. Instead of only writing about what you are angry about, also include that which you are grateful for today. Journal writing can be a positive way to begin to heal. You understandably have many feelings of anger toward the person who hurt you. Get these feelings out by writing the person a letter. Let them know in detail all the ways in which they hurt you and how you have felt about it. Get as honest as possible, releasing all of your pent up emotions onto paper. Let the person know that you have decided to forgive them. You can even explain why you are forgiving, such as writing, I forgive you because I no longer want to hold on to the pain you have caused. Once your letter is complete rip up into shreds. This activity will allow you to release emotions that needed to be expressed and then let them go. Use the Thought Stopping TechniqueLook for the LessonsWrite It OutPrepare a Letter
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Prohibition in the United States - 1865 Words
Prohibition in the United States There was once a time when an individual could not sit down and have a beer or mixed alcoholic drink legally after a long days work. At this time our American Government felt we needed to reduce drinking by eliminating the businesses that manufactured, distributed, imported, exported and sold intoxicating liquor. This was called Prohibition. By the 1820s people in the United States were drinking an average of 27 liters (7 gallons) of pure alcohol per person each year. Political and religious leaders were beginning to associate alcohol consumption with the rising coincidence of crime, poverty, and violence. They believed the only way to protect society from this†¦show more content†¦Around 1638 America noticed that liquor laws could do more than just control consumption, they could provide a new source of revenue. By the 18th century liquor laws were concentrated on fines, excise taxes, and license fees. Fines were given for drunken behavior, unlawful sales to someone who was intoxicated, sales to Indians, and selling without a license. Licenses usually had their own fees and excise taxes were imposed on distilled spirits, beer, and fermented drink in many cases. Court records indicate that these laws were regularly enforced (Krout 29-30). John Adams wrote about his concern for the public regarding the effects of liquor in his diary on February 29, 1760,he wrote that taverns were becoming the eternal huant of loose, disorderly peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Cherrington 37). In 1791 a tax was enacted as part of the revenue act. The next year the Second Congress of the United States added license fees for distilleries and taxes on liquors distilled from imported materials. Some were not happy about these new laws which started the so-called Whisky rebellion. Upset about this federal action, farmers in Western Pennsylvania mobbed revenue collectors and armed themselves to avoid this intrusion by the new Federal Government. It required 15,000 militia to bring this Whisky Rebellion to an end (Peterson 119-120). The federal taxes on distilling and importing spiritsShow MoreRelatedProhibition in the United States909 Words  | 4 Pagesday at work, you like to relax with a glass of wine, or maybe even bourbon. Without the ratification of the 21st Amendment, the people of the United States wouldn’t be able to enjoy any alcoholic beverages. The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in 1919, outlawing the sale of alcoholic beverages and brining in the period known as Prohibition. At the time, the top Prohibitionist in Congress stated: â€Å"There is as much chance as repealing the Eighteenth Amendment as there is for a hummingbirdRead MoreProhibition Of The United States1912 Words  | 8 PagesKlintworth Prohibition in the United States â€Å"Prohibition goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man s appetite by legislation and makes crimes out of things that are not crimes.†Even though Abraham Lincoln lived about a half-century before Prohibition took effect in the 1920s, he described it quite well. The legislation essentially took alcohol, which had been a part of people’s lives since history of cultures were reported and made it illegal overnight. While Prohibition didRead MoreProhibition in the United States764 Words  | 3 PagesProhibition in the United States was a built up reaction to alcohol and illicit drugs from the Temperance and other religious organizations beginning in the 1840s and intensifying during the Reconstruction Period. By using increasing pressure on legislators, lobbying through Churches and, of course, embarrassing public officials into a stance, these organizations forced the ratification of the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in January 1919. This law prohibited the manufacture, sale, orRead MoreProhibition Of The United States777 Words  | 4 PagesResponse Prohibition in the United States occurred as a result of the Eighteenth Amendment, which was passed on January 17th, 1920. Prohibitions lasted approximately 13 years and ended with the ratifications of the Twenty-First Amendment which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment on December 5th, 1933. Prohibitions did not yield any benefits for the average American, in fact I believe it hindered both men and women in economic, political and social ways. The main proponents of Prohibition were womenRead MoreEssay on Prohibition in the United States1500 Words  | 6 PagesProhibition created more crime because it was leading to corruption and the â€Å"cure†was worse than the original problem (Sifakis 725). The number of crimes increased during the Prohibition which caused organized crime to be very â€Å"popular†. Many criminal groups had a regular income of money through illegal actions such as drinking and selling alcohol (Organized Crime and Prohibition 1). Alcohol increased the organized crimes during Prohibition through loopholes in the 18th Amendment, speakeasiesRead MoreProhibition And Its Effects On The United States1661 Words  | 7 PagesWhen personal choice is withdrawn from individuals and prohibition is implemented to control natural human behavior, the hypocrisy that many preach the United States as being a free society and a nation of tolerance seems to deteriorate when politicians see any opp ortunity to capitalize on the masses without regard. Yet even after alcohol prohibition and fighting an endless war on drugs, history still repeats itself over and over again while the taxpayer is left with the bill. Responsible and recreationalRead MoreEffects Of Prohibition On The United States1272 Words  | 6 PagesThe United States has been actively engaged in a ‘war’ for nearly 25 years. At the heart of this struggle is the fundamental question: Is this a battle the United States can win? Many sources, such as, make the claim that drug laws are working Instead, it has created a military police force, reinforced a violent black market, discouraged safe drug usage, and done little to actually reduce drug use. In order to reduce these problems as much as possible, the United States hasRead MoreThe Prohibition Of Marijuana And The United States1559 Words  | 7 Pagesacross the U.S. during the 1900’s and has remained illegal ever si nce, until recent years when states began legalizing it ( Although many people believe that the reason behind the prohibition of cannabis was based on genuine concern for the possible consequences it may have on the well-being of people if it remained accessible to all, the truth is that the drive behind the U.S.’s prohibition of cannabis was founded on racism. During the early 1900’s cannabis was considered an â€Å"ethnicRead MoreThe Drug Prohibition Of The United States Of America1629 Words  | 7 PagesThe cohorts of drug prohibition argue that the benefits of the prohibition are self-evident and undeniable. The basis of this assumption argument is that without prohibition the consumption of drug would skyrocket, and therefore, lead to disastrous outcomes. However, there is no evidence on the commonly held belief. The empirical evidence that exists does not support the notion of souring drug consumption. For instance, in the Netherland and Switzer land, where marijuana is legalized, the consumptionRead MoreWhy The Prohibition Is The Era Of The United States852 Words  | 4 PagesOn January 17, 1920, the 18th Amendment to the constitution of the United States of America took effect. The 18th Amendment had been ratified a year earlier, banning â€Å"the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors†(Okrent, 1) within the United States and its territories. This new decade is called the Prohibition. The prohibition is the era of bizarre and engaging images of speakeasies, intoxicated flappers dancing the Charleston, bootleggers, and mobsters protecting illegal trades
Friday, May 8, 2020
Alfred Kinsey s Research On Sexual Orientation - 901 Words
Alfred Kinsey’s extensive research into sexual orientation has brought about some of the greatest and perhaps most controversial findings of the 20th century. His findings range from sexual activities to sexual orientation, including â€Å"facts†that were considered shocking at the time of their publication, such as 10% of men are gay and almost half men have had adulterous affairs, etc. Not only have they changed the ways people view sex and sexual ethnics in the U.S., but these findings are also still deeply embedded in the public imagination. However, a closer look at the great man’s research reveals some major flaws. Even though nobody has yet been able to replicate the research due to its magnitude, in the 21st century, we have other approaches to explore the same field, the results of which both confirm and challenge Alfred Kinsey’s findings. To begin with, Kinsey is known to be a famously flawed icon because of his problematic research sampling. It is said to be not representative of the population at the time since he mostly interviewed volunteers, who were apparently more open in sexual-related topic – perhaps because they had sex lives. In the 1990s, Edward Laumann of the University of Chicago, who conducted a similar research, smaller scale yet more reliable than Kinsey’s. His findings state that less than 5% of men are gay (half of Kinsey’s figure) and only 25 percent of married men (and roughly 15 percent of married women) reported having had extramarital sex.Show MoreRelatedOpen Marriages Are A Form Of Relationship1043 Words  | 5 PagesOpen marriages are a form of relationship first brought into the public eye by Alfred Kinsey in the 1960s. Since then, the idea of approved extra-martial affairs have become even more popular, despite the uneducated critics hollering about it being an insul t to the institution of marriage, or a way to justify cheating on one’s significant other. As open marriages start to become a more feasible option for couples looking to explore their sexuality, a common question always seems to come up; thisRead MoreHomosexuality And Its Effects On Society Essay1650 Words  | 7 Pagesdebated whether or not homosexuality is a choice that one freely makes, while others believe a combination of genetics, hormones and environment have a factor in one’s sexuality and sexual development. Homosexuality is something one cannot choose to be. Primarily, homosexuality can be defined as a romantic or sexual attraction that involves people of the same gender. Male homosexuals are referred to as gays while the female ones are called lesbians. Ideally, since time immemorial, there have beenRead MoreHomosexuality And Its Effects On Society2470 Words  | 10 Pagesprecise fact that Romans 3:23 points out, â€Å"for all have sinned and fall sh ort of the glory of God,†Humanity has been cursed with being genetically embedded with sin and a sinful nature. The current worldview is that homosexuality and multiple sexual orientations come from nature, and not nurture. This viewpoint is correct in that it is human nature to sin and seek out one’s own selfish desire. However, No one is prescribing a remedy for this sin. â€Å"Become sober-minded as you ought, and stop sinning;Read MoreHomosexuality: Inborn Trait or a Choice991 Words  | 4 Pagesmaking people prone to believe things that aren’t true. Many fall victim to this reality, resulting in feelings of animosity and prejudice with little or nothing to back it up. This hatred often has to do with race, religion, gender, politics or sexual orientation. As you know one can’t just go and change his or her skin tone or gender. It isn’t as if one was asked to be white, black, Hispanic, Native American exc., nor female or male. This is just the way the person was born. Seeing it from this pointRead MoreWhat Causes Homosexuality996 Words  | 4 Pagesanother. What is Sexual Orientation? The American Psychological Association defines sexual orientation as such: Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction that a person feels toward another person. Sexual orientation falls along a continuum. In other words, someone does not have to be exclusively homosexual or heterosexual, but can feel varying degrees of attraction for both genders. Sexual orientation develops across a person s lifetimeâ€â€differentRead MoreHomosexuality: Nature or Nurture1209 Words  | 5 PagesIn Ryan D. Johnson’s online research article, Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture, an explanation of homosexuality is broken down so the world has a better understanding of homosexuals. As referred to in the title, the origin of homosexuality has been debated to be because of nature or nurture. Basically, are people gay because it’s their personal choice or is it just who they are? The idea behind nurture is that the way one was raised can eventua lly affect a child’s sexual preference. In the firstRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal And The Normalization Of Homosexuality1422 Words  | 6 Pagesaware of their sexual orientation between middle childhood and early adolescence (2008). They are ware of the emotional, romantic, and physical attraction they can recognize their sexual orientation without participating in sexual activity. Alfred Kinsey was the first to conceptualize sexuality as more than just heterosexuality and homosexuality. There is no scientific reasons as to why an individual identifies as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual orientation. Although, research have been conductedRead MoreSexual Orientation : Sex And Gender1783 Words  | 8 PagesToday I will be weighing in on the essentialism vs constructioni^^^sm debate on sexual orientation. Before I proceed further I must define sexual orientation which in turn needs me to define sex and gender. What is sexual orientation? There is the behavioral where one’s sexual orientation is defined by the sex of the person that he or she has sex with. If one has sex with a person of the same sex then they are homosexual and if they have sex with someone from the different sex then they are heterosexualRead MoreEssay about Human Sexuality2060 Words  | 9 Pagescategory â€Å"X†of Alfred Kinsey’s scale of human sexuality. Listed as nothing more than a footnote in Kinseys 1948 path breaking volume Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, category X represents the sexual minority known as asexuals, who, according to Kinseys original description, are people who experience no socio-sexual response†(Kinsey 658). In the time since Kinsey published this work, however, the asexual community has come to describe themselves as people who do not feel sexual attraction toRead MoreThe American Psychiatric Association Eliminated Homosexuality As A Metal Disorder1734 Words  | 7 PagesA famous quote from Alfred Kinsey who was the one who started more depth research of sexuality and made others aware during the 1940’s and 1950’s that being a homosexual was not weird but natural. He once said, â€Å"Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheeps and goats. Not all things are black nor all things white†. Cleary, Kinsey is trying to state that there are all different species in the world but, everything shall not
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Safety on Public Transportation Free Essays
One of the major features of any developed society is mass mobility. In order for man to fulfill his obligation put food on his table, man has to move around. Thus mobility is an essential aspect of human life. We will write a custom essay sample on Safety on Public Transportation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Man has to move from one destination to another. Elementary Science has described this as a natural feature of human beings. Over the years, the growth of technology as made for variables when it comes to human transportation. One of such means of transportation is public transportation. Although transportation is a necessity to most people in America, it will be alarming to note that Americans spend more trying to meet up with their daily needs. Compared to other countries in the world, an average American spends more to move around. As part of the government’s efforts to ensure a better standard of living for the citizen, the public transport system is an initiative of the government tailored towards reduction of the price incurred on transportation by Americans. Therefore, Americans now have a choice which provides a greater freedom. However, as commendable as this initiative is, Public Transportation has its good and bad sides. There are some dangers that one is open to when one takes a public transport. To begin with, the security and privacy one enjoys when one is moving around in one’s private car is better than when we are moving around in public transport. Statistics have shown that people moving around in public transportation are susceptible to insecurity than those transporting privately. On the issue of crime in public transportation, the police department and other organizations have given tips on how to avoid crime in public transportation. For all I care, the next person to you might be a serial killer or the lousy old woman might actually be planning to steal your wallet. At this point, one will be unfair not to admit that public transportation has had a lot of positive impact on the pockets of Americans. With the insistent rise in the prices of gasoline in America, public transportation has being a good alternative for the people of America. At least it has helped save more money that should have been used in the purchase of gasoline. It is also effective and reliable. The next time you are about to meet an appointment and you want to go by public transportation, make sure you have it at the back of your mind that although some dollars will be saved, there is the risk of falling a victim. Therefore, be vigilant and alert! How to cite Safety on Public Transportation, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay Example For Students
To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit em, but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird. Lee says that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because they only make music for people to enjoy, and they do no damage to anything such as other birds do. Lee is right the mockingbird dose nothing wrong, such as the mockingbirds in the book. They never do anything wrong, but they sometimes are misunderstood and considered bad by other people. Boo is one of the mockingbirds in the book. He only gives to the children. He gives them many different things through the knothole in the tree. Boo also gives the children a game to play during the day, Boo Radley. Later Boo gives them the most important thing of all, their lives. He is also a mockingbird in another way, when Scout falls out of the tire he gives them his music, laughter. At the end of the book Boo ends up going back into his house never to be seen again by Scout. He did this because he was a mockingbird caged up for a long time and was not ready to be free. The solution for him was to go back to his cage that he knew and was safe. We will write a custom essay on To Kill A Mocking Bird specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The other mockingbird is Tom Robinson because he does not do anything wrong. He was a very nice man, he would do things for people if they needed something done that they could not do themselves. An example of this is when he helps Mayella and refused to accept the money that she offered him. The difference between him and Boo is that even though he did not do anything wrong he was still found guilty of a crime that he probably did not commit. The reason that Tom was convicted is mainly because he was a back man accused of a crime by a white woman. The common thing that both of these characters share is that they are both somehow connected to Bob Ewell. Boo is connected to him because Boo killed him when he attacked the children. Tom is connected to Bob because Bob is the main reason that Tom was tried and found guilty in the first place. This common connection to Bob connects Boo and Tom because the reason that Bob attacked the children was because he wanted to get back at the rest of the world for what it did to him. He must have thought the children were a good place to start. Getting Tom convicted was the first step toward what he was trying to accomplish and it gave him a little power rush. The character that understands both of the mockingbirds is Scout. She knew a lot about Boo and was the only character that treated Boo as a real civilized human being. An example of the way she treated Boo as a real person was when she took him to see Jem and another example is the way she walked him back to his house like a gentleman. She also understood that Tom would be found guilty even thought of the evidence pointed to Bob as the one who beat Mayella. At one point near the end of the book a mockingbird is heard after Boo saves the children. The reason that this was put into the book was to show that Boo was meant to represent a mockingbird. He only tried to help the children, and he gave them many gifts and did nothing wrong, almost exactly Lees definition of a mockingbird. Lee made mockingbirds an important part of the book but their position as mockingbirds were never clearly stated. Lee also made one person simply to commit sin by trying to kill the mockingbirds. Also the fact that Atticus said that it was a sin, and he never said anything was a sin before. Lee had him say this because he would be defending one of the mockingbirds in the book and it was just a hint of foreshadowing.The mockingbirds were misunderstood and treated unfairly. They were good but not everyone thought that. Lee turned a simple title into a complex book
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